Debunking the AI Apocalypse: Unveiling the Hidden Agendas and Calming the Chaos

Dr Diplex Tech Nomad
3 min readJun 17, 2023


Hang on to your hats, folks, because today, we’re diving headfirst into the swirling vortex of fear and trepidation surrounding artificial intelligence (AI). We’ve all seen the ominous headlines and the cries of imminent doom with AI taking over the world. But wait a minute—what if there’s more to this than meets the eye? Wink. Let’s channel our inner detectives and dig in!

Unraveling the AI Enigma
Alright, first things first. AI is comparable to the high school student who participates in everything. Everybody talks about them, but few know what they’re up to. AI is complex, and, let’s face it, we humans are wary of what we don’t comprehend. So, it’s easy to get carried away when the news outlets are ablaze with yet another open letter stating AI might wipe us off the planet.

A Skeptic’s Eye on the AI Fear Fest
Ah, the smell of skepticism in the morning! A fresh, invigorating scent. As a researcher, I’ve got my eyebrows raised. Upon donning our Sherlock Holmes caps and looking closer, we find a pot of gold at the end of this fearful rainbow — commercial incentives, my dear Watson.

Decoding ChatGPT
Less of a Breakthrough, More of a Celebrity: Let’s gab about ChatGPT. Released not too long ago, this brainchild of OpenAI had people doing a conga line of emotions — delighted, entertained, and freaked out. But let’s be honest: ChatGPT is more of a pop sensation than a groundbreaking discovery. Its technology is a spruced-up version of its ancestor, GPT-3. It’s like a hit single based on an older, viral tune.

The Mysterious Aura of AGI
Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), often described as AI with human-level intelligence, is like the enigmatic character in a spy movie. All cloaks and daggers. Some interpretations even paint it as a near-omnipotent entity. But let’s not get out our tinfoil hats just yet. The reality is that we’re not even close to achieving AGI.

The Down-to-Earth Reality
As I see it, there are two reasons not to get our knickers in a twist over ChatGPT and its kin. Numero uno, it’s nowhere near the superintelligence level that could be considered a threat to humankind. And, dos, a lot of these catastrophic scenarios are built on shaky ground, like assuming superintelligence equals infinite real-world power. If that were true, nerds would rule the world, my friends!

Follow the Money Trail
Now, bring out the old magnifying glass. Many of the heralds of AI doom are cozy with big AI companies. Ah-ha! Could there be some golden motives? Fear can open up avenues for regulation that could cement the position of market leaders and strangle the little guys.

AI — A Brave New World for All
There’s no denying that AI is a game-changer. It’s like the invention of the wheel or the internet for the younger crowd. It has the potential to become a public infrastructure, and like all good things, it should be open for everyone to play with, not just the big cats.

Regulation — A Double-Edged Sword: I’m not saying regulation is a Big Bad Wolf. It’s necessary to avoid any ‘I, Robot’ situations. But hastily rolled-out regulations might be a cunning way to secure dominance for the big players while squeezing out small, innovative competitors.


As we dust off our detective coats, it’s evident that AI isn’t the imminent harbinger of doom. It’s a fantastic tool with oodles of potential. It’s essential to balance and embrace open dialogue and thoughtful action. The AI landscape is rich and diverse; let’s not allow it to become the fiefdom of a select few. So, here’s to harnessing the AI wave with responsibility, openness, and shared joy!

Optimistically yours,
Dr Diplex Tech Nomad



Dr Diplex Tech Nomad

Dr Diplex Tech Nomad | AI & Tech Fan | Wellness & Future Trends Pathfinder | Sparking interest in #technology #AI #GPT #wellness #innovation. Embark with us!